Dzongkhag-level sensitization program on BBR 2023

26 October 2023

Dzongkhag-level sensitization program on BBR 2023

In a proactive move to promote safe and well-designed construction practices, the engineering sector of the Dzongkhag Administration is organizing a day-long Dzongkhag-level sensitization program on the Bhutan Building Rule and Regulation 2023 (BBR 2023) aimed at Gups, Mangmis, and Gewog Administrative Officers.

This initiative was strongly advised by the Dzongdag, recognizing the pressing need to clarify misconceptions regarding the importance of structural drawings in the construction of houses in the Dzongkhag.

During the program, Dasho, who wears the hats of both an engineer and an urban planner, emphasized the critical role of house drawings in ensuring safety, resource management, and aesthetic appeal with real-time examples.

Dzongdag highlighted the fact that we strive to earn money to build comfortable homes, and without proper design and drawings, the quality and durability of houses in seismically and hazard-prone areas are compromised.

The Development Regulatory Officer (DRO) and Architect are guiding participants through the intricacies of BBR 2023 and addressing their queries. Following this sensitization program, Gups and Gewog Administrative Officers are expected to further educate the public on BBR 2023, promoting compliance for enhanced safety and quality