World Environment Day

05 June 2024

world Environment Day

To commemorate the auspicious 34th Birth Anniversary of Her Majesty the Gyeltsun Jetsun Pema Wangchuck, the Dzongkhag Administration of Samdrup Jongkhar observed "World Environment Day." In alignment with the theme "Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration," various activities were organized to honor Her Majesty's commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable development.

The celebration featured a mass cleaning campaign, where officials came together to clean the Dzong area, roadsides, and parks. This collective effort not only beautified the surroundings but also raised awareness about the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy environment.

Additionally, a significant tree plantation drive was conducted around the campus. Participants enthusiastically planted a variety of trees, contributing to the enhancement of green cover and promoting ecological balance. This initiative aimed to foster a sense of responsibility and active participation in environmental preservation.